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The New Normal

These days my life, much like everyone, consists of being home all day. My four children, two of which are young adults have had to move back home, with disrupted University and work schedules. My other two are trying to settle into an 8-3pm online school setting. This new normal is so far from what any of us can even draw from. We are figuring it out as we move through our day, and it's strange and intimate and pretty scary, with the unknown feeling so very close. Still, through it all, I know that my family and I are amongst the most fortunate. That knowing keeps me grounded, humble and deeply grateful.

The fact that my kids are able to literally be in school virtually is a gift that so many don't that have the luxury of. While I recognize that we all live in our own vastly different realities, this is a time to band together, because while some of us are far more fortunate, non of us are above contracting this virus and spreading it. That constant reminder has kept me in my heart.

To keep myself from constantly ruminating about the what if's, I am working on maintaining a structure for myself. I’m scheduling writes via FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. It gives me some sense of normalcy and a feeling of creative connection in a world that is so unpredictable. None of us can control what is happening, but we can control how we react to this crisis. Moving forward with things that fill us can only help when things get challenging. It's like starting off with a full tank of gas, or a good nights sleep before you enter something potentially difficult.

When my heart is consumed with how I can help, my day feels brighter. I take better care of my body and my mind. I am a more loving mother and wife, my deep friendships become that much more meaningful. This time of introspection and isolation, is a gift if we choose it to be, It's a time to take a deep look within. Looking at how we live, how harshly we tread on our earth and maybe even people. It's an opportunity to evaluate what we hold important and why. This is a time to to not only help contain this devastating virus, but also to shed light on anything within ourselves that may not be perpetuating health in all ways.

Please friends, stay home, act responsibly, and give more. This is all temporary.

If you are looking for ways to help here are a few links that you can look at and see if it’s something you can donate or get involved in from home. These are just some organizations I’ve heard about or have seen. These are just idea’s if you were wanting to help and didn’t know where to start.

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