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The Healing of Traditions

It’s that magic time of year again. I can’t believe the holiday season is upon us, yet I have never been more grateful for it’s presence given the recent events.

One of the best things that we can do for our children and our family is to create traditions to anchor our togetherness and give us something that we can count on. For our family, Christmas Eve dinner is our cherished event. I wanted to make this something that was special, and of course something we all look forward to every year. I love to take my time in planning the menu and decorate our table in a way that is unique to this beautiful evening. I invest my time in it, because the ongoing yearly tradition has now grown into an important part of who we are, and all of my family members honor it’s sacredness.

Last year we are took our tradition out of our home and celebrated while on vacation, basically we broke tradition. We all felt a little out of sorts, especially the kids, with the change. My husband and I decided that from that point on we will stay home for Christmas. If it’s important to them then it’s important to us.

Each year I decorate the table differently from the year prior with hopes to make everyone feel how very special the evening will be. It’s a joy to slow myself down and relish in creating a beautiful space for myself and my family. After dinner, everyone who is at our home receives a gift to open. I really take the time to pick out something very specific for each person that is sharing with us on Christmas Eve. Our kids, myself and my husband open a pair of Christmas pajamas. After 18 years of this tradition, they know what they are getting, but it’s still fun, sweet and well received.

We always include friends to partake in our families special tradition, particularly if they are alone that year. It’s a great pleasure to welcome a loved one, and it always adds an extra element of sweetest to an already cherished evening. Giving is truly everything. I love our Christmas Eve because it is rooted in inclusivity and love. While the religious aspect of Christmas is dear to me, the tradition of welcoming in is what matters the most. No matter what your faith, your rules, your way, there is always room to share love, togetherness and expansion. I see a world of divide, a world of segregation and a world of suffering. There has been a lot of sadness and loss in the past month. If I can open up my table to those that are willing to do the same, then my tradition is that much richer. This is the legacy of Christmas Eve that I hope to leave to my children. And of course the traditional Christmas jammies too !

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