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Inspiring Young Woman: Lili Phillips

This beautiful young lady came into my life when she was nine years old. Her smile and gentle demeanor stood out to me immediately. Lili keeps her cards close to her chest, but is always thoughtful and considerate of others upon meeting them. She is private and doesn’t open up immediately, but once she does, she is a jewel of a young woman.

We have shared many moments together, where she bravely and honestly reveals with me the ups and downs of her young life. She is candid, wise, tender and incredibly brave. She is fiercely close with her family and is incredibly cherished by her loved ones.

Lili has an unbreakable bond with her mother… here she shares her love so eloquently. “My mom, Kelly inspires me. She is truly sunshine in human form. She is all things good. Growing up, she raised myself and my two sisters, Grace and Isabella by herself. She has always been the rock of our family, the one picking up all the pieces when one of us has a dramatic meltdown. I know for a fact that my sisters and I have not always made it the easiest job for her, but she loves us anyway, and for that I am forever grateful. Her strength, compassion, loyalty, and unconditional love is what I admire most about her. I am such a Mama’s Girl. Honestly, I think my friends only come over to hangout with her, but it’s totally cool with me because I’d rather hangout with my mom too. She is my best friend and the only person who has seen me at my ugliest and still loves me until I’m me again. My mom has taught me all things except for how to live without her. She has and will always be my hero and biggest inspiration.”

I love this young woman as if she were my own daughter. She also happens to be one of daughter Jordyn’s best friends, making the connection extra special. It has been a privilege to watch her blossom and grow into womanhood and an honor to feel her trust and closeness towards me. Sadly, Lili was the victim of very significant bullying during her formative years at school. She struggled in making meaningful connections in her traditional public school and weathered the the exclusivity of cliques cruelty. She transferred into a homeschooling program which turned out to be a better fit for her. While she has now completed High School, the impact of the bullying was significant and traumatic. Thankfully, she can move forward and higher as she enters into a new chapter of life.

Lili is a stunningly talented singer with many opportunities on the horizon. It is her greatest passion. Since she was a little girl, she always wanted to sing. Her mom would blast different genres of music all throughout the house. Lili would belt Whitney Houston, air guitar to Def Leppard, or try her best to keep up with Shakira and Andrea Bocelli, all by the age of 6. Lili shared that she feels most free and unstoppable when she is singing. Music is her first and last love. Lili love’s fashion and definitely feels better about herself when she is wearing a killer outfit. Styling clothes and putting together the perfect outfit is one of the biggest thrills for her. Lili loves discovering new trends and being able to express herself through whatever she decides to wear. Lili is big on showcasing her style and inspiring others to take risks and step outside the box. She wears anything from name brand to something that is thrifted. It’s so amazing to pull inspiration from different places and work it. She recently signed with a manager and is making her way into the world of music. She will surely channel her gorgeous talent into the makings of beautiful music.

For several years Lili has volunteered for TKO (Turn Kindness On), a nonprofit organization started by family friends, Tristen, Keanu, Mandy, and Brett Ellen. Through this organization Lili has contributed in feeding and supplying the homeless with basic necessities . This is something that she holds very close to her heart, because she believes that everyone should have a home. Lili would love to start her own non-profit organization one day in hopes of ending the epidemic of these human beings living in such poor conditions.

Through her own experiences, Lili is passionate about anti-bullying and the promotion of acceptance and self love. She knows from experience the traumatic and lingering effects of bullying, and the struggles that come with learning to love and accept yourself for who you are. She often gets private messages on Instagram and Instagram Lives from people asking for advice/tips on how to be confident and/or how to deal with bullies. Lili spreads a message to everyone to remember how special our indifferences are, and that we are all human. No one is perfect, and perfection is overrated. Self-love and acceptance is a long process, one that she is definitely still practicing. She is committed to empowering others, while still teaching them to empower themselves. The world could always use some extra love, as Lili so beautifully states. At the young age of eighteen Lili, has shown that through trials and tribulations, there is always the potential of a silver lining. She has used her adversity to broaden her heart and become wise and tender. Learning that others cannot define who you are. Lili has also been very vocal about her struggles in hopes that she can help others. I love her heart to the fullest.

You can connect with Lili on social media. Both her instagram and twitter is @babylilphil

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