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Wednesday Woman I Admire: Christy Cannon

I met Christy a few years ago, she has twin daughters the same age as my youngest son, so we had a similar daily flow with our little ones. It is interesting when you see people in passing through your everyday life, say a quick hello, and keep running, not knowing that one day they could impact you in the deepest of ways.

One day we both paused, and what I found was a warm, caring woman with a beautiful disposition, that was kind to me beyond words. She came into my life at the perfect moment, restoring my faith in friendship and true goodness.

Christy is now a mother to five beautiful children, she just had baby number five this summer. On top of mothering her beautiful flock of children, she is a Neonatal nurse. As a neonatal nurse, she cares for premature or ill newborns, working in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Choosing this profession is a testament to the strength and genuine goodness that are her nature.

Christy has shared with me her struggles that she has endured throughout her life. She married an amazing man Quinn, that became her husband. Quinn had cancer and was told that he may never be able to have children which was a dream of Christy’s. Christy was devastated, but with a little faith and knowing that God truly has a plan for each of us, Christy was able to conceive and her first babies were beautiful twins, one of which has down syndrome. I watch how gracefully she manages all her children, also caring for her daughter with special needs. She does is all with such ease and grace, however I know the challenges that motherhood brings. Christy is the embodiment of what a mother is. I think about times in my life when I feel like the day to day is exceedingly hard or my load is so heavy, and then I think about Christy because she just keeps going. She doesn’t complain about it the just knows this is part of the cards that were dealt to her. Christy has modeled to her children what it is to be loving and kind and I know that her nurturing manner is what helps her children maintain that same energy. I watch how Elizabeth takes care of her twin sister Mary, always looking out for her. It’s a precious bond that they have and Christy has helped anchor that.

I knew when Christy came into my life it was for so many reasons. I learn from her everyday. I am in gratitude to her for inspiring me and for keeping me grounded. She is a true measure of a friend and of a woman that I hope to model.

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