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Wednesday Woman I Admire: Rodene Jones

There is so much I can say about this lovely woman. I have had the pleasure and honor, of knowing her for many, many years. She’s funny, charismatic, tender, and she commands the attention in any room she enters. She is a force in the sweetest of ways.

Rodene Ronquillo-Jones was one of the first people to support me in my music career. She is an incredibly skilled photographer, and she shot me as I began to preform publicly. She documented me as a musician, giving me confidence, love and support,as I stepped out for the first time on the stage.

Rodene carries an inner sense about things that is spot on. Her intuition is heavily cultivated and that is a gift that is fabulous in a friend. She has always been a joy and a support in the coolest and most gentle of ways.

Life hit Rodene hard and unexpectedly, as life often does. She had tested positive for the BRCA gene. Knowing her only choice was to undergo major surgery and radiation in the very near future, she opted to move forward with an extreme fertility treatment,pulling out her eggs , something she did before entering surgery and massive chemotherapy treatment.

She had a lumpectomy before beginning her rounds of chemo. After that, she had a double Mastectomy, followed by 37 rounds radiation. Then began her reconstruction. Writing this fills me with jagged emotion. She is such a light that was forced to fight such a terrifying battle. But she did fight beautifully and she won. Warrior. Queen Warrior, actually.

This warrior has never gone unseen. The same day Rodene was diagnosed, she and Duncan were married. It was that very day, Duncan did not want to wait a moment longer. Her beauty is that potent. Such beauty in that act. His love and devotion was never in question, no matter the outcome.

Miracles do shine more brightly on warriors. Rodene’s treatment was successful and the Cancer was eradicated. She and Duncan conceived a child naturally, without an ounce of intervention. The universe knew that these two deserved such grace, and handed it over perfectly .

Sadly, Rodene’s Dad, as well as Duncan’s Dad, passed away before their Grandson Stenton was born. They both knew of his imminent arrival and rejoiced in this knowing.

Today, Rodene helps raise money for Tower Cancer Foundation. Tower provides support for those currently facing a diagnosis through LA CanSurvive, the patient services division of the foundation. The aim of these educational support workshops and mind-body programs, is to help survivors and their loved ones develop a physical and emotional tool kit to manage the challenges of the disease. In addition, Tower also awards Community Partner Grants to other non-profits in the Southern California area, offering support programs to cancer survivors and their families.

She is a warrior with angel wings.

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