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Woman I Admire: Mandy Ellen

There are very few people that I have met in my life that truly live by serving others. My dear friend Mandy is this person. She does not engage in her philanthropic pursuits for worldly praise, or because she has some kind of an agenda. She truly has a heart for service. Mandy is one of these amazing women,who from the moment I met her has always pulled me in from a place of love and tenderness, and true inclusivity. She is not only giving of her time, but she truly gives her whole heart and soul in making her family and friends needs met. It’s her natural tendency in the world and its beautiful to witness and be included in. Whether Mandy is having a girls celebration where she is cooking up a big meal to feed us,or taking the time honor me and her girlfriends for no other reason other than to let us know she appreciates us and that we mean something, she expresses it with heart and genuine love. I have continued to learn so much from this amazing woman that I look up to, as well as feel honored to be included in her nest.

Mandy has started a non-profit called “Turn Kindness On”. Her non-profit includes hands on opportunities to give to the community with friends and our children in tangible ways. I have participated in feeding the homeless community, buying toys for children in orphages that she travels too, and making sack lunches for communities in need. The opportunity has been as much of a blessing for me as it is for the recipients.

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